
Ketamine-inducedcystitis(KIC)typicallystartswithurinarysymptomsthatincludedysuria,urgency,nocturiaandurinaryfrequency[3,5].,Inallcases,cessationorabstinenceofketamineuseisthefirstlineoftreatmentandismosteffectiveinmanagingKIC.StudiesonKIC ...INTRODUCTION·PATHOPHYSIOLOGYOF...·TREATMENTOFKETAMINE...,Regularketamineconsumptionhasbeenshowntoincreasetheriskofcystitissymptomsby3-to4-fold,andcessatio...

Ketamine cystitis following ketamine therapy for treatment

Ketamine-induced cystitis (KIC) typically starts with urinary symptoms that include dysuria, urgency, nocturia and urinary frequency [3, 5].

Current approaches for the treatment of ketamine‐induced cystitis

In all cases, cessation or abstinence of ketamine use is the first line of treatment and is most effective in managing KIC. Studies on KIC ... INTRODUCTION · PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF... · TREATMENT OF KETAMINE...

Ketamine-Induced Cystitis

Regular ketamine consumption has been shown to increase the risk of cystitis symptoms by 3- to 4-fold, and cessation of ketamine use is usually associated with ...

Pathophysiology, clinical presentation, and management of ...

Ketamine-related cystitis is an inflammatory bladder disease that progresses slowly to an end-stage bladder condition. Ketamine cessation is the mainstay of ...

What Is Ketamine Cystitis? Learn How To Prevent And Treat It

Extreme ketamine use can injure the bladder, causing ulcers (wounds) and fibrosis (stiffening of the bladder walls and shrinkage). Patients ...

Ketamine cystitis

In this article, we review the available literature regarding the urological impact of ketamine abuse and its management.

Ketamine-induced cystitis

Heavy ketamine users may develop a condition known as ketamine-induced cystitis, which can cause severe lower urinary tract symptoms, hematuria, and pelvic pain ...